This is lovely, ashlyn! I'm so similar with the intentions to sketch when traveling, but something about the pace and attention of traveling not matching up with the mode my brain needs to sketch. I love your technique of capturing images, and embracing the sketching part as later at home. And that pigments shop in NYC...*drooling!*

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I so enjoy the colors, energy, and ideas that you bring to my day, Ashlyn! The school raft, love. I call them strings of children, like cheese. I'm always worried one will let go, and they will all peel off to follow. I can't wait to see your painting.

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"a brain catalog of interesting things" Going to keep this in mind for my next trip.

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Mar 11Liked by ashlyn

Add a comma after the "Help" in the first picture and the meaning really changes

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I love this post after my own heart! I take a postcard-sized sketch book on my travels and love to do a drawing en plein air. But if it's too cold/I'm busy doing other stuff I always take a snap and draw it later! I find the mental note a bit harder.

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